Streffield Inquiry on Cultural Preservation and Promotion

From New Shropshire National Archives

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Rezehnan Council

Published: 23/06/123

Sponsors: Interior Office, Office of the Vice-Governor


In the aftermath of New Shropshire's historic declaration of independence and the subsequent establishment of the Commonwealth Realm, the New Shropshire Interior Office is keenly aware of the paramount importance of safeguarding and promoting the island's diverse cultural heritage. The Streffield Inquiry, an extensive and far-reaching exploration, has been set in motion to delve into multifaceted strategies for the cultural preservation and promotion of New Shropshire, aiming to weave together the historical narrative, community engagement, infrastructure development, international collaboration, and educational initiatives into a comprehensive tapestry.

Historical Background

New Shropshire's history, like the unfolding of a grand tapestry, has been shaped by the events from Sir James FitzGerald's 1792 discovery to the recent proclamation of independence. While the islands have been devoid of a permanent human population since the early 19th century, they stand as silent witnesses to a rich mosaic of cultural, historical, and ecological significance. The enduring association of the FitzGerald family with the island and its distinctive status as a Commonwealth Realm adds layers of complexity to the cultural landscape.

Past Initiatives: In navigating the historical landscape, our inquiry draws from remnants of the past and the informal role played by the FitzGerald family in preserving cultural elements. Limited structures, potentially dating back to the 19th century, have been identified on Geraldine Island. The wooden docks at Port Geraldine bear witness to a history of trade and maritime activities that have left an indelible mark on the island's cultural evolution.


  1. Documentation of Cultural Assets:
    • Undertake a meticulous inventory of cultural artifacts, structures, and historical sites on the islands, employing cutting-edge technology and engaging local expertise.
    • Collaborate with historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists to ensure a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of New Shropshire's multifaceted cultural heritage, creating a detailed repository accessible to future generations.
  2. Community Engagement:
    • Initiate a dynamic dialogue with any remaining members of the FitzGerald family, island residents, and other stakeholders to glean invaluable insights into cultural practices, traditions, and oral histories.
    • Establish continuous mechanisms for community engagement, ensuring diverse perspectives are considered in the formulation of cultural preservation strategies. This could include regular town hall meetings, workshops, and cultural forums.
  3. Development of Cultural Centers:
    • Investigate the feasibility of establishing state-of-the-art cultural centers or museums that serve as living repositories for the island's history, artifacts, and contributions to the region.
    • Collaborate with architects, curators, and funding bodies to design spaces that not only preserve but also dynamically present the cultural narrative of New Shropshire. Explore sustainable funding models for the maintenance and operation of these cultural centers.
  4. Cultural Festivals and Events:
    • Propose the organization of vibrant cultural festivals and events that celebrate the unique heritage of New Shropshire, emphasizing inclusivity and diversity.
    • Consider forging collaborations with neighboring nations or international partners to enhance the visibility and global reach of these events, fostering a sense of cultural exchange and mutual understanding.
  5. International Collaboration:
    • Explore diplomatic avenues to engage with neighboring nations and international organizations, seeking collaborative initiatives that promote cultural preservation, exchange, and understanding.
    • Consider joining relevant international forums and networks that align with the values and goals of New Shropshire, providing opportunities for cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration.
  6. Educational Initiatives:
    • Develop comprehensive educational programs designed to raise awareness among the populace, particularly the younger generation, about the history and significance of New Shropshire.
    • Collaborate with local schools, universities, and educational institutions to integrate the island's unique cultural narrative into curricula, ensuring a sustained and systematic approach to cultural education.

Key Findings

  1. Documentation of Cultural Assets:
    • A meticulous inventory of cultural artifacts and historical sites revealed a rich tapestry of the island's history, including remnants of 19th-century structures on Geraldine Island and potential historical trade-related artifacts at Port Geraldine.
  2. Community Engagement:
    • Dynamic dialogues with the FitzGerald family, island residents, and stakeholders uncovered a wealth of oral histories, cultural practices, and traditions. The importance of incorporating diverse perspectives emerged as a central theme in the cultural preservation strategy.
  3. Development of Cultural Centers:
    • Feasibility studies for cultural centers indicated a positive response from stakeholders. Proposed designs prioritize sustainability, showcasing the island's history, artifacts, and contributions to the region.
  4. Cultural Festivals and Events:
    • The proposal for vibrant cultural festivals received widespread support. Collaborations with neighboring nations and international partners are recommended to enhance the events' visibility and global impact.
  5. International Collaboration:
    • Diplomatic avenues for international collaboration were explored, with an emphasis on fostering partnerships that align with New Shropshire's values. Preliminary discussions with neighboring nations and international organizations indicate potential for mutually beneficial initiatives.
  6. Educational Initiatives:
    • Comprehensive educational programs were developed, integrating the island's unique cultural narrative into curricula. Collaboration with local schools and educational institutions is crucial for successful implementation.


  1. Establish a dedicated Cultural Preservation Office to oversee the implementation of findings and recommendations.
  2. Initiate a phased plan for the establishment of cultural centers, ensuring sustainability and alignment with community needs.
  3. Develop a cultural events calendar, incorporating festivals and celebrations to showcase New Shropshire's cultural heritage.
  4. Strengthen international ties through ongoing diplomatic efforts, seeking collaborations with neighboring nations and global organizations.
  5. Launch educational initiatives in partnership with local schools, integrating cultural narratives into existing curricula.


The Streffield Inquiry on Cultural Preservation and Promotion lays the groundwork for a vibrant and sustainable cultural future for New Shropshire. By embracing the findings and implementing the recommendations, the Commonwealth Realm can showcase its rich heritage, foster community pride, and actively participate in the global cultural landscape.

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