Statute 2, Rezehnan Union Code

From New Shropshire National Archives

Rezehnan Union Code
Revision of 2023
  1. The highest leadership of the Rezehnan Federation shall be known as the Supreme Council;
    1. The Supreme Council shall be the highest and ultimate sovereign power within the Rezehnan Federation;
    2. The Supreme Council shall exercise authority over the actions and decisions of all organisations owned and/or run by the Rezehnan Federation;
  2. The executive branch of the Rezehnan Federation shall be known as the Federal Government;
    1. The Federal Government shall have the power to implement any policy directed to it by the Supreme Council;
  3. The Rezehnan Federal Code shall have primacy over any and all State Law in the Case of legal conflict except where specified in State Law;
  4. States may not legislate on:
    1. Foreign policy, that is any relations or interactions with nations outside the Rezehnan Federation;
    2. Internal policy, where it pertains to relations or interactions with other States within the Rezehnan Federation;
  5. The Supreme Council may make Amendments from time to time, at its pleasure, and may not be limited in doing so;
    1. It must make the Amendment to available to the public;
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