Section 3, Judicial Conduct Rules

From New Shropshire National Archives

Judicial Conduct Rules
Revision of 2023
  1. Judges should follow a standard order for proceedings, as follows:
    1. Investigation, as explained in S4
      1. In this the judge should endeavour to obtain all the relevant information regarding a case
    2. Fact finding, as explained in S5
      1. In this the judge should, using the evidence gathered in the previous stage, establish the facts of the case
    3. Verdict, as explained in S6
      1. In this, the judge should decide whether the facts of the case establish, on balance of probabilities, that an offence was committed and the accused committed it
      2. The judge should then find a verdict of guilty or not guilty
    4. Sentencing, as explained in S7
      1. If the accused is found guilty, the judge must pass a sentence using the rules established in S7
  2. Judges should explain the stage of proceedings to participants
    1. It is advised that, for each stage, judges explain the case to participants using the templates providing in S8
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