Shapwick Accord on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of British Overseas Micronations: Difference between revisions

From New Shropshire National Archives

(Created page with "==== Preamble ==== We, the undersigned sovereign micronations with a constitutional link and association with the United Kingdom, recognizing the need for unity, cooperation, and mutual support, hereby establish the Commonwealth of British Overseas Micronations (CBOM). Through this accord, we commit to promoting the interests, welfare, and prosperity of our respective nations and peoples, and to fostering friendship, diplomacy, and collaboration among our member states....")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 23:29, 19 April 2024


We, the undersigned sovereign micronations with a constitutional link and association with the United Kingdom, recognizing the need for unity, cooperation, and mutual support, hereby establish the Commonwealth of British Overseas Micronations (CBOM). Through this accord, we commit to promoting the interests, welfare, and prosperity of our respective nations and peoples, and to fostering friendship, diplomacy, and collaboration among our member states.

Article I: Establishment and Purpose

  1. The Commonwealth of British Overseas Micronations (CBOM) is hereby established as a voluntary association of sovereign micronations with a constitutional link and association with the United Kingdom.
  2. The purpose of CBOM shall be to: a. Promote and protect the interests, rights, and welfare of British overseas micronations. b. Foster cooperation and coordination in diplomacy, policy, and mutual support. c. Enhance cultural, economic, and social ties among member states. d. Provide a platform for dialogue, consultation, and collaboration on matters of common interest.

Article II: Membership

  1. Membership in CBOM is open to sovereign micronations that meet the following criteria:
    1. Have a constitutional link and association with the United Kingdom.
    2. Demonstrate commitment to the principles and objectives of CBOM as outlined in this accord.
  2. Admission to CBOM shall be granted upon consensus agreement of existing member states.
  3. Member states shall have equal rights and obligations within CBOM, including the right to participate in decision-making processes and to benefit from the organization’s initiatives and programs.

Article III: Governance and Decision-Making

  1. CBOM shall be governed by a Council of Ministers composed of representatives from each member state.
  2. Decisions of the Council of Ministers shall be made by consensus, with each member state having one vote.
  3. The Council of Ministers shall elect by consensus a Secretary-General to establish an executive for the Commonwealth.
  4. The Secretary-General shall establish rules and procedures for its operations, including the frequency and format of meetings, the appointment of officials, and the adoption of policies and initiatives.
  5. The Secretary-General shall form and lead an executive Secretariat to support and execute the aims and objectives of the Commonwealth.

Article IV: Diplomacy and External Relations

  1. CBOM shall serve as a platform for member states to coordinate diplomacy and external relations, including joint representations, negotiations, and advocacy efforts on matters of common interest.
  2. Member states shall consult and collaborate on issues of regional and international significance, with the aim of promoting peace, stability, and prosperity within the British overseas micronational community and beyond.

Article V: Cultural, Economic, and Social Cooperation

  1. CBOM shall promote cultural exchange, economic cooperation, and social development among member states through joint initiatives, programs, and projects.
  2. Member states shall strive to enhance mutual understanding, respect, and solidarity among their peoples, and to support initiatives that contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the British overseas micronational community.

Article VI: Amendments and Review

  1. Amendments to this accord may be proposed by any member state and shall be adopted by consensus of the Council of Ministers.
  2. The Council shall review the implementation and effectiveness of this accord periodically and may undertake revisions as necessary to ensure its relevance, coherence, and success.

Article VII: Entry into Force

  1. This accord shall enter into force upon signature by the founding member states on 10th April 2024.
  2. Subsequent accession to the Commonwealth by new member states shall be governed by procedures established by the Secretary-General.

Done at Shapwick, United Kingdom, this 10th day of April 2024.

For the Commonwealth of British Overseas Micronations:

Sir Victor FitzGerald, Governor of New Shropshire

Lord David FitzGerald, Governor of New Siberia

Sir Edward Harris, Administrator of British East Andaman

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